Spanish Courses Santiago, Chile
Videos can be used
with powerful effect to stimulate and encourage learners
Interesting and informative topics for the
They are exposed to a wide variety of language input.
Cassettes and accompanying texts provide
for authentic reading and listening material.
The exercises can be done
independently in class or as homework.
Games offer an enjoyable way
for learners to develop language skills.
Natalislang provides individual and personalized online Spanish courses,
which consider a wide variety of synchronic and diachronic teaching/learning
methodologies, mixing different perspectives according to the personal
needs of each student. Our method allows students to develop the four
communicative skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening.
First, the teacher, a qualified professional specialized on Spanish as a Foreign
Language teaching/learning, designs, creates, collects, organizes and adapts
different materials –a written text, a video, a recording- for the student to
work on his/her own, out of the class, which requires the student to read,
understand, analyze and/or question. Then the teacher and the student work
together connected to different virtual platforms (Google Meet, Zoom,
Skype, etc.) interacting verbally, visually and audibly; the teacher asks
questions, solves doubts about the contents studied, and encourages the
students to practice the target language in an easy and playful way.
Nuestro Método
Las clases de español online de Natalislang son individuales y personalizadas,
considerando una metodología de aprendizaje diacrónica y sincrónica, donde
se mezclan diversas técnicas de acuerdo a las necesidades y requerimientos
del estudiante, las que le permiten desarrollar las cuatro habilidades
comunicativas: leer, escribir, hablar y escuchar.
Primero, el profesor,
unespecialista en la enseñanza de español para extranjeros, diseña, recopila,
organiza o adapta materiales diversos que requieren del trabajo individual
del estudiante, fuera de la hora de clase, lo que le exige leer, comprender,
analizar y cuestionar el material desarrollado: un texto escrito, un video, una
audición, etc. Luego, profesor y estudiante trabajan en conjunto conectados
a través de diversas plataformas virtuales (Meet, Zoom o Skype, entre otras)
que les permiten interactuar verbal, visual y auditivamente. El profesor hace
preguntas al estudiante, le exige practicar su español y resuelve dudas acerca
de la lengua, todo ello de manera lúdica y fácil de comprender.
Newspaper, magazine articles
and accompanying tasks provide for authentic up to date
Reading is the language skill
easiest to keep up as well as
being an enjoyable activity.